Title: Europa
Premier & Grand Internationell Champion
Born: 1993, 24th
Sex: Female
Sire: GIC S*Grazette's Creme Fraiche, SBI a
Dam: EC Vinsbobäckens Satheja, SBI c
EMS code: SBI a (Bluepointed)
Breeder: Kerstin Heed
To the next cat
& GIC Grazette's SOS is our neutered bluepointed old lady. She is
a big cat with a lot of coat, super blue eyes and a very good boning.
Her chin could be better, but you don't get everything ...
She is officially retired; I have promised her she will never be forced
to participate in a show again!! Pity,
really, as she is a beautiful Birman and I think it's necessary we sometimes
show our "old Goldies" as well as our babies.
But, a promise is a promise...
She had only two litters and three lilac from her first litter has been
very sucessful as show cats, Aristocat, Arizza and Alyzza.