Title: International
Born: 1997,
9th April
Sire: Gayemaudi Prince Charming, SBI n
Sex: Female
Dam: Smokeyhill Blue Nova, SBI a
EMS code: SBI a (Bluepointed)
Bloodgroup: A
Breeder: Betty Brown, Smokeyhill (England)
IC Smokeyhill
Blue Kapri is one of our oldies in the house, it's more than 7 years since
we went to England and Betty Brown to get this little beauty with us back.
has proven to be a super breeding queen and delivered many beautiful babies
throughout the years, like our own Fancy and a little bluetabby to Denmark,
Quite Nice. A son of her in the last litter has moved far away, to New Zeeland.
We wish him all the best and hope he will sire many lovely kittens "down
We have not showed her frequently as her best period is during our snowy
winters and just as she normally calls!! So we have to chose between kittens
or shows and so far, kittens always win!! But maybe she will acchive her
last certificate in the class to get the title Grand International Champion.
Yes, there is only one left...